Sunday 23 December 2012

Don't Waste Your Cancer.

“As I prayed for myself, and continue to do so, I also pray for you that we will not waste this pain” (p. 3).
How are we as Christians called to respond when cancer invades our lives, whether our own bodies or those of our friends and family?
On the eve of his own cancer surgery, John Piper writes about cancer as an opportunity to glorify God. With pastoral sensitivity, compassion, and strength, Piper gently but firmly acknowledges that we can indeed waste our cancer when we don’t see how it is God’s good plan for us and a hope-filled path for making much of Jesus. 

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Don’t Waste Your Cancer is for anyone touched by a life-threatening illness. It first appeared as an appendix in Suffering and the Sovereignty of God. Repackaged and republished, it will serve as a hope-giving resource for healthcare workers, pastors, counselors, and others caring for those with cancer and other serious illnesses. The booklets are also available in packs of ten.

Don't Waste Your Cancer by John Piper

Table of Contents

1. We Waste our Cancer If We Don’t Hear in Our Own Groanings the Hope-filled
Labor Pains of a Fallen World
2. We Waste Our Cancer If We Do Not Believe it is Designed for Us by God
3. We Waste Our Cancer If We Believe it is a Curse and Not a Gift
4. We Waste Our Cancer If We Seek Comfort from Our Odds Rather Than from God
5. We Waste Our Cancer If We Refuse To Think about Death
6. We Waste Our Cancer If We Think That “Beating” Cancer Means Staying Alive
Rather Than Cherishing Christ
7. We Waste Our Cancer If We Spend Too Much Time Reading About Cancer and Not
Enough Time Reading About God
8. We Waste Our Cancer If We Let It Drive Us Into Solitude Instead of Deepen Our
Relationships with Manifest Affection
9. We Waste Our Cancer If We Grieve as Those Who Have No Hope

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